Can you please upgrade to 3.2.1007 and see if you continue having the issue?
The account you are using must not have permissions to the OU and your AD is in list object mode. CloudPanel will remove authenticated users from havi…
@rechenzentrumkraemer-it-de Looking at our latest code, we are actually using ActiveDirectory:://RootDSE/ but your error states “Microsoft.ActiveDirec…
@rechenzentrumkraemer-it-de Looks like we did change the powershell command back to: “Get-ACL -Path ActiveDirectory://RootDSE/<distinguishedname>…
@rechenzentrumkraemer-it-de ok, I will take a look. We did change up the reporting a lot in the new version
@rechenzentrumkraemer-it-de same server or did the server operating system change at all with the upgrade?
@oliveitky The only place to turn it off is in the CloudPanel settings where the Forgot Password section is. The backup email shouldn’t be wiped out e…
@oliveitky I checked the code and not clearly seeing where it would be removing the backup email. I even configured a backup email on a new user, went…
@oliveitky No, that should not be happening. We will try to reproduce this today and see what is going on.
We will evaluate this and report back when we have something.
These permissions are on the latest build.
@techsupport the license checks are not every 20 minutes but they are when the application starts. Can you check the idle time on the IIS application …
@techsupport I assume this is how it was before? CloudPanel does not perform any COM interop ls in code, so it could be a third party library. Do yo…
@techsupport do you have port 443 ssl configured and do you have any bindings in IIS? Your error states the request hit port 80 http