Yes, this is a bug when resellers are disabled and we have corrected it. We plan on releasing an update at the beginning of next week.
Please send all the log files in the log directory where CloudPanel is installed
Send send the logs to I wouldn’t attach them here unless it gives you a “private” option because it could contain some sensiti…
Instead of using “Microsoft Exchange” as the value try using the value from the MicrosoftExchangeRecipientEmailAddress (example: MicrosoftExchange329e…
There isn’t a way to “propagate” the settings down to the mailboxes using it unfortunately. We went back and forth on that for a while and decided not…
Make sure you are entering the cost/price currently according to your system locale. Updating the mailbox plan’s don’t push the new updated settings b…
Mac does use EWS and on the mailbox plans in CloudPanel you need to make sure EWS (and ECP) are enabled. It could be they were. It looks like you set …
Usually archiving happens on the server side and doesn’t actually check the individual mailboxes. CloudPanel does remove “Authenticated Users” from ha…
If you have already created companies then it won’t be so easy. We would most likely have to help. You can keep resellers disabled and we will look at…
It could be a bug and we will check that out. I would suggest you use resellers anyways because it will be there in case anything changes in the futur…
No, you can only lock a single database to a single company.
That is a good idea but you know that you can lock a company down to a specific mailbox database: Maybe doing that would be better?
It could be you have EWS turned off on the mailbox plan that CloudPanel uses because I believe it uses EWS to connect. I doubt it would be anything to…
It shouldn’t let you add a company without a plan. What version are you running?
That’s because you aren’t supposed to be working on Saturday/Sunday 😛 Glad you figured it out!