You need to install it on all domain controllers because it registers a password filter to capture passwords and send them to CloudPanel
Public folders rely heavily on autodiscover which is why these public folder mailboxes must work. Typically the very first public folder mailbox is go…
The ADSync is only meant to go on CUSTOMERS domain controllers to sync AD users attributes and passwords from their environment to your environment. D…
Did you take a look at the public folder information here:/p> You need to create your first public folder mailbox so the master hierarchy exists. Th…
Did you ever see my response above?
This issue turned out to be a firewall issue causing problems with the cookies
@webcore Perfect! Glad you were able to figure it out easily. Thank you!
@webcore can you show me a screenshot of your IIS? Sometimes people install CloudPanel to a new IIS website which creates the website a virtual direct…
You have to update the credentials in the /CloudPanel/admin/setup page which you access using localhost from the server CloudPanel is installed on
Felix, can you email a screenshot to
@in we do not provide any tools but I have used BitTitan MigrationWiz before. You can use that to copy data from source to destination.
Are you referring to migrating email to Exchange or migrating from a different control panel to CloudPanel?
You can download a new update here: Please be sure to backup your SQL database and the folder CloudPanel is installed in
Looks like you did not enable basic authentication on the powershell virtual directory in ECP:
Let me check on this. Its possible we broke something making changes for the other issues on the build we gave you.