IIS 404 after upgra…
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[Solved] IIS 404 after upgrade

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I just upgraded to the newest version. Works so far, after having to install it twice as it only gave me a 500 error from Nancy before.?
Now I have one remaining issue, my “main” reseller (myself) is not working anymore – I have another reseller with a single company and a single user which works, but mine with about 50 users doesn’t work anymore.


Serverfehler in der Anwendung /CloudPanel.

Die Ressource kann nicht gefunden werden.

Beschreibung:?HTTP 404. Die gesuchte Ressource oder eine ihrer Abh?ngigkeiten wurde m?glicherweise entfernt, umbenannt oder ist vor?bergehend nicht verf?gbar. ?berpr?fen Sie folgende URL, und stellen Sie sicher, dass sie richtig geschrieben wurde.?

Angeforderter URL:?/CloudPanel/companies/CON



This is a 404 I get right away, my reseller is called “CON” due to the autogenerated ID – somehow the IIS catches this 404 right away. I also rebooted, that’s not the case, it’s not cached. The reboot didn’t fix it, nor did clearing the browser cache.

The request is not logged to the CloudPanel Log file, it’s directly in the IIS Access log

Someone has an idea for me? I’m about to be out of ideas. I cannot use the import as that apparently would break according to the KB, all my users have been generated from CloudPanel and not from a 3rd party product.


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PS: If I change the reseller code to something arbitrary like CONP it will spit a proper HTTP 500 – ?so this is something else than an object not found. I think IIS catches it for a dumb reason…..


and the OU is there in the Directory


if I testwise rename the Reseller OU to say, CONP and then go to?/CloudPanel/import/CONP it does offer me to import all Customer Companies. But as the KB states, I would not do it as it would fail as the objects that get autocreated already exist.

I named it back again.

I am wondering if CON is suddenly something that IIS parses and has an exception to it, but I need help here if I have to rename my reseller….

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It is very possible because the word CON is in the route it is causing issues but there is a setting in the web.config that should be turning that validation off. Can you email your web.config to support@knowmoreit.com?

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whow, thanks for that quick answer.?

Yeah, I suspected something like that. The SPLA report came out fine for example.


Will send it to you?

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Joined: 10 years ago

This is a problem with something that was left out of the web.config.

Open your web.config file and locate the following section:

    <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.6.1" />
      <add verb="*" type="Nancy.Hosting.Aspnet.NancyHttpRequestHandler" path="*" />

Next you need to modify it as so:

    <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.6.1" />
      <add verb="*" type="Nancy.Hosting.Aspnet.NancyHttpRequestHandler" path="*" />
    <httpRuntime relaxedUrlToFileSystemMapping="true" />


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