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[Solved] RouteBySender TransportAgent truncates appointment mails

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We have the problem, that the transport agent truncates appointments to “simple mails” – that means, the appointment is received but it contains no date/time information (calendar data).

We have tested this also with sender and receiver in the same domain (by using) – same problem.

Attached find 4 test appointment mails, same and different domain, with / without passing transport agent.

The truncated msgs have smaller file size.


Best regards,


1 Answer

The only thing the transport agent does is override the routing domain. It doesn’t actually touch any of the content in the message or the headers, but because of this, it sends a winmail.dat attachment to the next hop (which should be your smart host). What smart host are you using? The reason I ask, is because the smart host has to be able to process winmail.dat files and it may not be processing it properly.
