Importing users aga…
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[Solved] Importing users again after a fresh install

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I tried to upgrade my CloudPanel and kept getting 503 service not available errors, I replaced setting.xml , went through various attempts to cur it using articles on your forum and fell short.

as a result I completely removed CloudPanel deleted the directory in IIS and the application pool and re-installed from scratch, its now working fine. but completely blank, although there are still a few active companies and users in exchange (1 reseller for now, just me).

I used the ‘be logged in as a super admin and go to /CloudPanel/import/RESELLERCODE to import companies and to import users go to /CloudPanel/company/COMPANYCODE/import/users’ to import my company and my 1 user (me for now just until i get it working then I will do the rest) and it did this fine.
I set up a plan on my company and tried to mail enable my user account but I cant, it is still working as before but I want it to be displaying properly in CloudPanel as with the others when I import them.
Thsi is what happens when I try to mail enable it …

I did back up my old SQL database so I can import that and copy data across, is that the best way to do it? if so exactly how ? or if not how do I mail enable the accounts I import ?


1 Answer

That error message is from Exchange and it is saying that the user is already mail enabled. So you have your CloudPanel out of sync. When you import users you can select the mailbox plan. My guess is you didn’t do that for this user and you imported it as a user with no mailbox. To fix this you have to go into CloudPanel and remove the user or set the MailboxPlan column to what mailbox plan you want and make sure the EmailAddress field is populated

Mark Andrews Topic starter 2016-06-17 10:22

So for mine i just exported to PST deleted the user and set it up again and imported my mail, all working fine.

Now to import a bunch more where i dont have that luxury…

Ive created my email plan, but the dropdown boxes only allow me to choose ‘—Email Not Enabled—‘

I cant afford to delete these accounts and start them again, so how do I Import them properly ?


KMI Support 2016-06-17 10:34

Deleting everything was an extremely long way around probably a simple issue. The 503 issue could of been from the application pool. Did you notice the application pool stopping when you got that message?

Either way it sounds like it’s too late for that but as far as the drop down not containing any mailbox plans is because you don’t have any. Either you haven’t created any mailbox plans or the ones you have created you have limited them to specify companies and that company doesn’t have one

Mark Andrews Topic starter 2016-06-17 10:43

Thanks Rick, you are right my mailbox plan was tied to my company, all done now.

I know it could’ve been sorted, my lack of patience got the better of me!
