ActiveSync is disab…
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ActiveSync is disabled

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Sometimes a customer is calling us with a problem that there is no synchronization anymore.
When we have a look at those accounts we see that “ActiveSync” is disabled for that user.
Anyone an idea how and why ActivSync disables itself?

At the moment we are running the latest version, but this problem occured on previous versions also.


5 Answers

There is no way that ActiveSync is disabling itself via CloudPanel. The only way this would happen is if they are changing the plan to something that has it disabled on the plan or someone at your company is disabling it on the backend.

Does CloudPanel show ActiveSync enabled? When you say when you look at the accounts you see its disabled… is that in CloudPanel or Exchange?


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No plan changes.

We see it in exchange ECP disabled. My collegae says it happens when working in cloudpanel and totally random. A little change in Company A can certainly disable activesync on a user in company B he said.

All mailboxes on default policy….never changed.




Uhm… There is no way that a change in one company is disabling a change for another user in another company. I would need to connect to your server and see how many users have ECP disabled right now.

What i’m thinking is at one time that plan had ECP disabled and users were created with it and have had ECP disabled this entire time. Then the plan was updated to enable ECP but this doesn’t go out to ALL users that already had the plan and update their setting on Exchange… it just updated it in SQL. Does this sound like what is happening or could be happening?

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I found the error!

We have multiple mailbox plans and one of the plans had activesync disabled!
So changing mailbox plans disrupted activesync…

Thanks for your help!!!



I’m glad you found it. Was making me a little nervous! 😛
