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[Solved] Upgrade Path from 3.1.1540.0 to 3.2.0292.0

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Now we have about 120 users and we use the free version of the cloud panel.  We want to import 30 users with the csv file, but it isn’t possible to activate the users with email. We have the version 3.1.1540.0 installed and want to update to 3.2.0292.0.

Where can i find the upgrade path to install the new version?

KMI Support 2018-12-12 11:25

To upgrade from that version you should install v3.2.0250.0 Release Candidate, login and make sure all the settings are there, then upgrade to the latest 3.2. Make sure to backup the database and the CloudPanel directory before-hand.

1 Answer
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Thank you it works perfekt.

The cloudpanel scheduler install as a new service. After this  we have to change the default connection string to our connection string
