The subject is “Password will expire soon”. The first thing is you need to make sure your CloudPanel Service is actually running and you have it inst…
I would search using that term for anything sent FROM the email address on the notifications settings in CloudPanel.
You would need to trace the messages using Get-MessageTrackingLog to see if they are being sent. Also the CloudPanel service has a log file it keeps o…
The new version being released this week will have Exchange 2019 support. That being that, not much has really changed as far as powershell commands g…
This is added and will be in the next release within the next week or two. You can view members of any distribution group from the distribution groups…
Make sure you validate the plans and that they don’t have data missing. Such as the company and mailbox plans
You could also check the settings.xml file and validate that the correct SQL connection string is in there. There were issues in the past where it wou…
Older versions required you to go to the settings/setup view and click on update database. Login to the server it is installed on and go toand it shou…
I confirmed there it is indeed a problem. You can use the menu at the top right to go to the databases view and refresh from there and also the CloudP…
To upgrade from that version you should install v3.2.0250.0 Release Candidate, login and make sure all the settings are there, then upgrade to the lat…
I don’t currently have an answer for you. We will have to look into why the installer didn’t copy the data over and see if we can reproduce it.
It should have kept the data in the settings.xml during the upgrade. The only value used in settings.xml anymore is the SQL connection string, so ther…
What version are you currently on? Also could you email the CloudPanel log files over to