I’ve started the documentation! » Know More IT

I’ve started documenting the new CloudPanel 3.1! This documentation isn’t going to be like the 3.0 version!

Documentation has never been great for CloudPanel. I’ve spent a lot of time developing the application but never left much time to documentation everything it can do.

That is why with the new website I’ve started many different sections to provide documentation to CloudPanel users! This documentation is still geared towards the hoster and not company administrators (I feel it would be best for you to provide documentation on how to use CloudPanel to your company administrators).

It is just a start but keep an eye on it as I continue to develop and update the docs!

[If anyone is up to assisting with documentation on the website I will be more than happy to grant you permission to make posts on my site]


Knowledge Base

I will keep details about common issues that come up from feedback from the community. Any questions asked on the forums that has been answered before will most likely be directed to the appropriate KB article on the issue (if there is one) or a new KB article started!


Quick-start Guide

The quick-start guide is meant mostly to help kick start your CloudPanel installation for first time users


API Documentation

This section is exciting! With the new CloudPanel 3.1 there is a complete open API for users with an API key (which the hoster controls) that can allow you to use your own applications to submit POST,PUT,DELETE,and GET requests. This leaves the programming language up to you and however you want to do it!

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